John Doe





Returns & Refunds

How to Return an Item

The Zazzle Return Policy

We want you to love your creation. If you are not satisfied for any reason with the final product, you may return your purchase for a replacement or refund within 30 days of receipt.
Please see our complete return policy for more information.

How to Return an Item

  1. Contact Customer Care to request a return. You must make this request within 30 days of receiving the shipment.
  2. Be sure to specify the reason for the return request in your message and indicate any preference for replacement (whether exchanging for an identical product or selecting an alternate style, size or color), account credit, or a refund.
  3. Once the topic is selected, you will be asked to select the product that you want to return.
  4. Use the Upload File button to proactively provide digital images of damaged or defective products.
Since this product was crafted specifically for you, we’d love to have an image of the product so that we can ensure this return issue doesn’t continue moving forward. Please take a quick cell-phone picture of the issue (damaged package, defective product, specific design flaw, etc.). The more detail you can give us, the easier it is for us to improve the quality and experience of custom made Zazzle products in the future!

 --  Still have questions?

Email or call us and our customer support agents will be happy to help. 
Contact Me


12 Street West Victoria 1234 Australia

Phone number

+(12) 3456 789
